Current and Upcoming Exhibitions and Events

  • A Cut Above the Rest
    A Cut Above the Rest
    Now - Jun  30, 2025
    Grace Gallery

    The lumber mills of the Santa Cruz Mountains with a focus on the shingle mills, tan bark operations, box and barrel mills.   

  • The Way We Calculated
    The Way We Calculated
    Mid-Feb - Jun 15, 2025
    Belardi Gallery

    Enjoy a plethora of artifacts and archives, most of which have never before been exhibited and a model of Vannevar Bush’s 1931 differential analyzer - a mechanical analog computer that solves differential equations.

Latest Updates 

The Belardi Gallery will be CLOSED the week of February 3, including Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9 for new exhibition installation.

The galleries will be open dependent upon the availability of docents.

Please call: Grace Episcopal Gallery, Boulder Creek - (831) 338-8382, Belardi Gallery, Felton - (831) 704-7066.

The galleries will be CLOSED when the power is out.

Visit collections and stories at Museum From Home. Check out our latest Newsletter. Read our Annual Report.

The  Galleries

The San Lorenzo Valley Museum operates two galleries, one in Boulder Creek and one in Felton. Both are housed in former church buildings that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Both galleries house permanent and temporary exhibitions. Entrance is FREE, donations are appreciated

Grace Episcopal Gallery

Grace Episcopal Gallery  

12547 Hwy 9, Boulder Creek CA 95006

Open Wednesday - Sunday, 1 - 4pm


Faye G. Belardi Memorial Gallery

Faye G. Belardi Memorial Gallery

6299 Gushee St., Felton, CA 95018

Open Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, 1 - 4pm



The Museum office is located at:
12547 Highway 9, Boulder Creek
Office Hours:
Wednesday & Friday 1-4pm
Please call or email for an appointment.



San Lorenzo Valley Museum
PO Box 576
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
Phone: (831) 338-8382